Editorial Guidelines

Volleyblock.com is an independent website about volleyball all over the world, showcasing the latest fashion or hair-style trends, exploring new drills or writing about international teams.

This editorial guideline outlines our standards for our work. Should you believe our efforts have failed to meet these standards, please let us know and reach out to us at contact@volleyblock.com or via our Contact Us page.

Our Reporting

We present stories as we see them, as precisely as possible, without employing any form of Artificial Intelligence. For further details and our position on AI, refer to our Anti-AI Policy.

Whenever we share information that isn’t widely known or could potentially reflect unfavorably on a person or organization, we always make it a point to request their perspective.

If we receive new information after an article is published, we will promptly update it or release a new one, whichever is most appropriate and swift. Furthermore, we regularly review our articles at least every three months to ensure they remain timely, relevant, and useful. Independent experts also evaluate them, upholding our commitment to delivering top-quality content.

When notified of possible inaccuracies in our content, we commit to investigate these claims and correcting any verified mistakes.

We extend an offer of a right to reply to anyone mentioned in a story. If you feel you or your organization has been misrepresented or wish to add to a story, please reach out to us via email or Contact Us page.

We make it a practice not to share information received from sources, whether named or anonymous, without seeking to verify it through additional sources. The confidentiality of our anonymous informants is a priority, and we do not pay for information.

In cases where we report on news first uncovered by another publication, we always aim to give clear credit and, where possible, link back to the original source.

Our Professional Engagements

During our work, we collaborate with professional volleyball players, referees, coaches, publishers, and various clubs and organizations, maintaining interactions with creative and public relations staff while upholding professionalism at all times.

Should a situation arise where an entity discontinues all communication with us – a scenario sometimes known as ‘blacklisting’ – we remain committed to our principles of high-quality journalism, ensuring our reporting, fairness, analysis, and critique are not swayed by these developments.

Out of respect to the individual and experts’ work, we choose not to publicize these instances unless there’s a pressing editorial need, such as when our publication’s credibility is in question or the dissemination of important information, like eagerly awaited reviews, might be hindered.

Advertising & Commercial Activities

At Volleyblock, the editorial and advertising sectors operate independently. The selection of content for our website and our social media platforms, including our Pinterest account, is determined solely by our editorial team without any commercial influence.

Our advertising department is committed to fairness, honesty and transparency when engaging with advertisers.

We deny advertisements that automatically play sound or contain offensive material. We also reject inappropriate advertising and will act to remove it as soon as it’s falsely appearance on our website comes to our knowledge. If you encounter any advertisements that you feel do not adhere to these standards, we encourage you to reach out to us.

In our content, we may feature links to retailers (like Amazon) and could receive a commission from purchases made via these links. Nonetheless, these affiliate links do not influence our editorial choices. They are included only in content that is relevant to the products being discussed and are introduced using impartial language, for example, “Check out the current price of [this product] on Amazon.”


Volleyblock is owned by Blum and Steffes NicheLink GbR. The company oversees a range of brands and websites, including NailsslayReslisdenceFlawliz and Getyourgift.

These websites operate independently of Volleyblock’s editorial department. Volleyblock will always disclose its association when covering activities conducted by its parent company, NicheLink. Such coverage is fully at the editorial team’s discretion and remains unaffected by any commercial interests.

All NicheLink staff and collaborators are familiar with this editorial policy and collectively uphold it.